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Yes, it's common for people to have unwanted thoughts or feelings around others they know or feel uncomfortable with. These thoughts may stem from insecurities, past experiences, or current stressors. It's important to recognize that these thoughts do not define you and seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be helpful in managing them.

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Q: Do other people get unwanted thoughts when around people you do know or are uncomfortable with?
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How do you get rid of Intrusive thoughts?

It can be helpful to practice mindfulness, challenge the thoughts with evidence-based thinking, and seek support from a mental health professional if needed. Engaging in activities that are grounding, such as exercise or hobbies, can also help reduce the impact of intrusive thoughts.

Which of the following theories helps explain why people feel happier around happy people than around depressed people?

The social comparison theory helps explain why people feel happier around happy people compared to depressed people. According to this theory, individuals tend to compare themselves to others as a way of evaluating their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Being around happy people can lead to upward social comparison, where individuals feel better about themselves by associating with others who are doing well or feeling positive emotions. On the other hand, being around depressed people can lead to downward social comparison, which may negatively impact one's own mood and well-being.

How many thoughts do people have each day?

On average, people have about 6,200 thoughts per day. However, this number can vary depending on the individual and their mental activity.

Why do people ask question during a movie?

Some people may ask questions during a movie because they may be confused about the plot or details of the movie. Others may ask questions to engage in discussion or to share their thoughts with others watching the movie with them.

How to know what people are thinking?

It is not possible to know exactly what people are thinking without them telling you. You can try to understand their thoughts by paying attention to their words, body language, and actions, but it is important to communicate openly and honestly to truly understand someone's thoughts.

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The only way to know is to ask him and see, though honestly if an "outgoing guy" is "uncomfortable" around you, it's at least a reasonable bet that he doesn't actually like you all that much.... outgoing people don't usually get uncomfortable around people they like.

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People, being people, will think dark thoughts. God will not punish you for experiencing these thoughts that pop into your head, but may punish you because of what you do with them. Do you dispose of the thoughts? That's good! Or do you hang onto them, keeping them around? That's not as good.

Can you deny visitation if the parent is around unwanted people?

A request can be submitted through the court system to cancel visitation rights if the plaintiff can prove that the unwanted company is a threat or danger to the child.

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People may find prophetic people uncomfortable to be around because their predictions or insights challenge their beliefs or ideologies. Prophetic individuals often make predictions that can be unsettling or provoke fear, making others uncomfortable. Additionally, the confidence and certainty displayed by prophetic people can be seen as intimidating or overbearing, causing discomfort in social interactions.

What kinds of unwanted reactions might you encounter when trying to convince a committee to accept your proposal for a new service?

Unwanted reactions that you might encounter when trying to convince a committee to accept your proposal could include negativity and ignorance. A proposal for a new service might also cause people to be confused or to become uncomfortable with the change.

What are the things that people most likely to do with an unwanted gift?

Some people feel uncomfortable regifting a gift, but the fact of the matter is that a true gift comes without strings, you can can do anything you want with it, including throwing it away. Any other interpretation is not a gift - it is an obligation.

Is unwanted pregnancy really unwanted?

yes the people just wanted to have sex

Why does your cat slink about when your boyfriend comes to stay?

Most cats do not like being around people they do not know. They will be uncomfortable and want to hide when the unknown person is around.

How can you stop mildly uncomfortable things from becoming intrusive memories later?

There are many ways an individual may use to detach from unwanted memories and intrusive thoughts. Positive self reflection is the strategy that helps you focus on the concrete parts of the situation you find yourself in and the improvements you can make to change the situation around. You need to engage in activities that will keep your mind busy and fill it with positive thoughts. These things may be your favorite sport, meditating to a prayer or an interesting book you read. Thinking about the context of memory, people who were there like friends, what season of the year it was may influence your mind to think about something else entirely and you won't focus on negative emotions which will make you look at the situation differently.

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because some girls feel uncomfortable around guys just talk to her and pretty soon she wont be shy around u... That's just their personality, nothing wrong with that. Some girls are uncomfortable with being around people they don't know, large groups and being the center of attention..

How do you talk to shy people?

Shy people are uncomfortable around people that they do not know. When you meet shy people, you can talk to them in a polite and friendly manner. Talk about general topics and do not ask a lot of questions that are personal.

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the reason for racism not dying is that people are still uncomfortable in this day and age not being around those of their own kinds. they prefer people just like them