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Yes. It can be either be dull to where you hardly feel it or it can be very sharp and painful. It can come and go every few months or be a constant. It is recommended that you speak with your Dr asap.

I had one two years ago and I had it for a year. I didn't feel any pain at all and mine was quite large because it was growing quite slow. It can be felt when lying on the stomach or if its big enough when you lie on your back you will see a prominent bulge, mine was so big it made me look pregnant. Go see your doctor if you think you could have one, and go asap.

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Q: Do Ovarian cysts cause pain
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No. It does not cause ovarian cysts.

What problems might ovarian cysts cause?

Yes, the ovarian cysts will pose a problem for the ovary. The most common symptom is the pain in the pelvis or abdomen.

Is stomach pain a symptom of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are associated with a variety of symptoms, although sometimes ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms. Stomach pain such as swelling, pressure, or pain in the abdomen, can be present. Other symptoms include pelvic pain, dull back ache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, or difficulty fully urinating.

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Does ovarian cyst cause dysmenorrhea?

I think yes. Cause I have ovarian cyst and dysmenorrhea at the same time, and according to my research ovarian cysts sometimes caused too much pain and bleeding and that's what dysmenorrhea do.

Can an IUD cause ovarian cysts?

Some women using hormonal IUDs may be at increased risk for small ovarian cysts. The copper IUD does not affect the risk of ovarian cysts.

Cyst in my overy 4.6cm it is any compliction in my overt plez tell me detail?

Ovarian torsion and rupture which may cause severe pain are the complications of the ovarian cysts.

What are some symptoms of ovarian cysts?

Some symptoms of ovarian cysts are lower abdominal pain, irregular menstrual periods, pressure and pain in the abdomen, and long term pelvic pain during menstrual period.

Can ovarian cysts cause right flank pain?

Yes! I have ovarian cysts and I've had them for quite a while. After numerous hospital visits and an ovarian cyst discovery, they attributed my lower right flank pain to them. It never fails that when my cycle comes around and the cysts start bursting, my right flank starts up again. I manage with Midol extra strength and Tylenol with warm baths and taking it easy. Good Luck!

Can ovarian cysts cause high blood pressure?

Ovarian cysts can cause high blood pressure in the sense that they can cause weaken a person's immune system and cause problems in the long run over time.

Can a cyst cause pelvic pain?

they can cause pain wherever they are.A cyst causing pain all depends on what type of cyst it is. Ovarian cysts (depending on size) can be extremely painfull or they couldn't be felt at all.More detail:Yes, cysts can cause excruciating pain. These cysts are usually ovarian cysts, and can grow quite large. They often rupture, or burst, on their own, after which the pain subsides. But they are likely to recur. You need to see your ob/gyn for proper diagnosis and treatment, especially if you don't know for sure it's a cyst.

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Is leukorrhea assoicate with ovarian cysts