

Do pandas have nicknames

Updated: 11/13/2022
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10y ago

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While pandas (or pandi in plural) do not have many nicknames, many know them as panda bears, even though they really aren't bears.

Some also call them Randy.

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What is the possessive of pandas?

The possessive form of the plural noun pandas is pandas'.Example: Development by people is encroaching on the pandas' habitat.

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas

Are red pandas a panda at all?

Technically, yes red pandas are pandas. In fact they were the very first pandas. The other pandas were named after it.

What two kinds of pandas are there?

There are Giant Pandas and Red Pandas.

Are female pandas bigger than male pandas?

No.Male pandas are bigger than female pandas.

What is the natural history of pandas?

pandas come from larger pandas, who later grow to be big and have little pandas

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pandas are shy animal and it behaiver other pandas sucessful behaiver.

What is the pandas name in french?

'les pandas' and 'les pandas géants' for the giant pandas.

Where do pandas migrats?

Pandas don't migrate. That is for birds. Pandas are mammals.

What do people call pandas other than pandas?

giant pandas

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Pandas will give birth to baby pandas.

Pandas or red pandas - which one weighs more?

Giant Pandas.