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Q: Do paraplegics have knee jerk reflexes?
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Will cervical damage affect knee jerk reflexes?


Is the knee jerk reflex an extensor thrust reflex?

No, those are two different reflexes.

What characteristics do the reflexes have in common?

The reflexes that have one thing in common are the knee, ankle, plantar jerk, biceps, and triceps. They are all governed by reflex arcs in the spine.

What can you say about simple reflexes given your results from the Jendrassik maneuver?

The Jendrassik maneuver is one in which the reflexes of the knee joint are tested. The person in question clenches their teeth and puts their clenched fingers together. Often, the knee jerk reflex is bigger when doing the maneuver.

What will happen if you kick someone in the balls?

Their body reflexes automatically cause the leg, from the knee down, to jerk upwards.

What cord mediated reflexes?

The knee and elbow reflexes

What instrument is used to test knee reflex?

It is a tomahawk-shaped rubber instrument used to test reflexes in order to determine if an individual's nerve reflexes are functioning properly. There is no specialized name for this instrument, though it is commonly referred to as a mallet.

What does no response to knee reflex test indicate?

If you have no knee jerk reflex, then there is something wrong neurologically with your spinal cord. Make sure you have absolutely NO reaction to even the hardest of pounds, not just slow reflexes.

What reflex is the knee jerk reflex an example of?

knee jerk aka patellar reflex is an example of a stretch reflex

How many touch receptors does the human body have?

ImproveTheir are 4 types of reflexes:spinal reflex (knee jerk);cranial reflex (reading);somatic reflexes (involve contraction of skeletal muscles);autonomic (visceral) reflexes (involve responses of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands)

Knee jerk is an example of a?


What kind of tool does a doctor hit your knee with?

Doctor's use a knee hammer to see how well your knee reflexes work