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No Penguins have 4 layers

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Q: Do penguins have 2 layers of feathers?
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Why do penguins not have feathers.?

Penguins do have feathers

How do dolphins and penguins stay warm?

Dolphins have blubber layers that keep their internal temperatures warm. Penguins have different layers of feathers, the first layer is a soft down layer to stay warm, and the outerlayer is water resistant.

What are simarlarities for animal species in antarctica?

A resistance to cold. Seals have thick layers of blubber, penguins have a thick layer of feathers.

Do penguins have feathers or hair?

Like all birds, penguins have feathers.

Do penguins have fethers?

do penguins have feathers

Do penguins have feathers or blubber?


Give two adaptations that penguins have to keep warm in Antarctica?

They have several layers of feathers and they have feet covered in feather to keep warm.

What coulour are the penguins feathers?

The penguins feathers when they are first born are black and grey but when they are fully grown the feathers are black and white

How do penguins survive in such a cold part of the world and in such a freezing cold climate especially in the winter?

they have layers of black and white feathers to keep them warm

How emperor penguins survive in antarctica?

Because Emperor penguins have a layer of blubber (fat) and they also stay very close together in snow storms. They survive with all the thick layers of feathers and fat.

What are penguins covered in?

they are covered in feathers

What do penguins do when they get cold?

Penguins do get wet. Penguins don't get cold because their is a fat in them named blubber. Blubber keeps penguins warm. Also when penguins swim their muscles release heat.