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Those who intend to observe the laws of Yom Kippur properly do not eat or drink anything during the 24+ hours' duration of the holiday. Those who feel faint or weak at some point might snack on something, but that is a matter of individual conscience.

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What did wiesel not do at Yom Kippur?

He Did Not Eat.

What can't yom kippur do on this day?

Eat and drink

What time does the Yom Kippur fast end in NY in 2012?

when you EAT !

What time does Yom Kippur finish in Perth?

it finishes at sundown and that is when you can eat since you fasted

What traditions should do Jews follow on Yom Kippur?

Yom Kippur is a total fast, observant Jews do not eat or drink anything for about 25 hours, from sunset on the eve of Yom Kippur to nightfall the next night. The tradition also bans wearing of leather, wearing perfume, and bathing during that period. (If someone's health is endangered, however, the fast must be broken.) The Yom Kippur liturgy is long, with special melodies that are used only once a year, penitential and confessional prayers, and the reading of the Book of Jonah. The service marking the end of Yom Kippur ends with a long blast of the Shofar, at which point, a congregation of hungry thirsty people descends on food.

What is the Jewish festival Yom Kippur?

It's the Day of Atonement, where you don't eat or drink for 25 hours.

How does shofar mark the end of Yom Kippur?

The guy with the shofar plays it, and then it's over. Now you can eat.

Which holiday most limits the foods you can eat?

Yom Kippur is a Jewish holiday known as the Day of Atonement. Many people of Jewish faith in the United States spend the day fasting and praying.

How do you celebrate yom kippur?

It is celebrated in a synagogue and people pray for God's forgiveness for the mistakes they made in the previous year. Additionally, Yom Kippur is a biblical fast day, this means that Jews fast for 25 hours with no food or water.

What did the Judaism not eat?

Jews do not eat pork, and they do not eat meat and dairy in the same meal. There are also guidelines for specific holidays, like no yeast on Passover and fasting on Yom Kippur.

What do they eat on yom kipper?

Orthodox Jews don't eat for 24 hours, but after Yom Kippur, they "Break the Fast" by eating large meals. The other branches of Judaism eat whatever they want. __________ Correction, it's a 25 hour fast, no food or water.

Why yom kippur celebrated?

Yom Kippur is not a day of celebration but is actually the Jewish day of atonement. Rosh Hashana is 10 days beforehand and it is the start of the Jewish new year. On rosh hashana Jews start repenting for their sins of the previous year and they use the 10 days until yom kippur to pray for forgiveness and show god they are sorry. On yom kippur Jews do not eat as a way of almost mourning over their sins. They go to the synogogue all day and pray to god to give them a good year. Jews believe there is a book of life and a book of death and so they are praying to god to be written into the book of life. The books are sealed on yom kippur and therefore the day ends with a neilla service which signifies the 'gates closing' and the books being sealed.