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both we love them bout the same

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Q: Do people like fat people or skinny people better?
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Is skinny better?

better? no no and no! it doesn't matter if you are skinny or fat, chubby or plump. if you are trying to be skinny for someone else, don't do it! people should like you for who you are, if they tell you to be something you are not, then they are not worth it!

What do you call people that are very skinny?

Definetly not skinny! I'm skinny and I hate it. My friends are like "OMG you're like a little twig, you are so skinny". I hate it when people say that. It's like calling a fat person fat. It hurts their feelings. Same thing with skinny people (If they don't like being skinny). If they have tried very hard and became skinny, then you can compliment them. Some p

Is it healthier to be skinny?

It is better to be neither fat nor skinny.

Are there more skinny or fat people in the US?

You would like to think skinny, but there a lot of obese (really unhealthly fat) people in the USA. In the world that is a completely different answer...

Why people does not like fat people?

Justin Bieber like anyone fat, skinny, tall, short he does not care what you are and likes everyone nice to him.

Does princeton from mindless behavior like fat girls or skinny girls?

He like girl that can be fat or. Skinny

Do fat people have fat?

yes everyone has fat even skinny people.

Which is better a tall skinny or short fat water heater?

I would say tall and skinny because you can be a modle if you are and sometimes it better being skinny

Do skinny people get fat?


How many weight watcher points are in a snicker marathon bar?

Man if you are skinny man you better eat!I hate skinny!It dont matter FAT is better.I heard more men loved fat people.

Does ray ray like skinny girls or fat girls?

he like skinny girl or kind of big or kind of skinny like me

Why does Justin Bieber not like fat people?

Justin Bieber like anyone fat, skinny, tall, short he does not care what you are and likes everyone nice to him.