

Do people lose all baby teeth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes, except for molars which arent really baby teeth.

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Q: Do people lose all baby teeth?
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What teeth are the teeth you get when your 12?

When our 12 and you start to lose lose all of your baby teeth and get buck teeth, and start to get your second molars (ouch! painful)

How many teeth does a child lose?

They loose all of their teeth than they becom adults teeth idn how many though

What teeth do puppies lose first?

Puppies lose all of their baby or milk teeth. As the adult teeth grow in the milk teeth should fall out. Sometimes both will be visible.

Why do you get braces if you are going to lose the teeth anyway?

You won't get them unless all of your baby teeth are gone. Most people get them after that because they don't want to wait 80 years until all of their teeth are gone again.

Do you have to lose all your baby teeth to go through puberty?

No. The loss of primary teeth is not related to puberty.

How many teeth fall from human mouth?

Most commonly all 20 milk/baby teeth. However some people lose less and they fall when they are much older which people mistaken as third generation teeth

How old are you when you have lost all your baby teeth?

Well it's hard to say,I lost all my baby teeth in the 4th grade but i was 9 at the time. I lost my teeth fast because i had a alot of cavaties and 1 sweet tooth(DEAD TOOTH) and my cousin is 14 she still didn't lose all of them yet. But the faster you lose your baby teeth the faster your wisdom teeth come in.

Do sheperd puppies have baby teeth and do they loose them?

Of course! All dogs lose their teeth, just like humans.

Which baby teeth can grow back?

All baby teeth are deciduous (they fall out) and do not grow back. However, after they fall out, they are typically replaced by the permanent "adult" teeth. Sometimes, though, the baby teeth don't fall out. And sometimes, the adult teeth don't grow in. But "normally" a child will lose all their teeth and they will be replaced by their permanent teeth.

Are you aloud to lose the tooth from the third to your tooth in the middle on your bottom jaw?

yes. you loose all your teeth. - baby teeth. not adult ones.

How many premolars should you lose?

Kids are supposed to lose 20 teeth. Later they will have wisdom teeth grow in. Girls loose teeth faster than boys do, averagely..Adults are supposed to have 32 teeth.You get your Wisdom teeth at the very back when you are around the age of 20.Children lose 20 baby teeth over several years. These teeth are replaced by 32 adult teeth. Four of these teeth are the wisdom teeth which are often removed during early-adulthood.Twenty; 8 premolars, 8 incisors and 4 canines.

How old should you be wen you lose all your baby teeth?

It really depends you could be 10 you could be 14