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You won't get them unless all of your baby teeth are gone. Most people get them after that because they don't want to wait 80 years until all of their teeth are gone again.

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Q: Why do you get braces if you are going to lose the teeth anyway?
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What do dentists do when you get braces and you still have baby teeth?

Braces on baby teeth can be used to make room for incoming teeth if there isn't enough room naturally. Sometimes a kid will not have certain baby teeth or will lose them earlier than normal and the space will close, and braces or extractions may be necessary to make room for the permanent teeth

How many teeth do you have to loose before having braces?

It depends on your orthodontist. Mine is going to make me wait until I lose them all.

Why do your teeth fell like there lose 3 days after you get braces?

Cause your teeth are getting used to them.

Does getting braces hurt if you have crooked teeth?

You will have to get braces if your teeth are twisted but you don't have to get them until your 20,30 or 40 years old and your teeth can untwist if you lose all your baby teeth I think.

How many teeth do you have to lose for braces?

You need to have lost all of your baby teeth and all of your grown up teeth need to have if not fully but almost fully come in. That is completley false, i have got braces and i have a baby tooth still, what they do is that they don't put a thing on that tooth and they give you 3 months to wobble your baby tooth out.

Can you get braces with missing teeth?

yes you can if you already had the braces while your tooth came out then they will put a wire over it but it you teeth came out before the braces no because it is a possibility that the braces can close the gap and stop the adult tooth from coming back in

Do all of the permanent teeth have to be in before getting braces?

If both were orthodontists, then it's your decision. If neither of them were, get an opinion from an orthodontist. Both are right, it just depends on their technique and opinion. Either way you will get the end result desired. In my opinion, getting them on now will save time in the braces for the child. But that is just an opinion. It is really up to you. Go with whatever and whichever dentist makes you and your child more comfortable, either way the teeth will end up straight.

Is it normal for adult teeth to move with braces?

That's what they are supposed to do. The drawback is roots get shorter you lose some strength and they will always want to move back so have to watch them after

How many teeth will you lose after you have gotten your adult set of teeth?

You will lose none because that is your last set of teeth and you better not lose them.

Which teeth do you lose - diagram?

You are supposed to lose up to 20 teeth

Why do you lose your teeth?

you lose your teeth because new teeth are growing in and the new teeth push the current teeth and you have brand new healthy shiny teeth!

Do peoples teeth grow longer as they get taller?

Yes, when children lose their first/'Milk' teeth they grow new teeth. Sometimes they all grow at once and get crammed up in their Mouth's they'll need braces, eventually - when they've lost around about all of their 'Milk' teeth they'll grow rather large molars at the back.