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Yes. The moon spins at just the right speed so that the same face always faced the Earth.

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Q: Do people of different side of globe see same face of moon?
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Does GPS work on the moon?

the moon is not a part of our Globe hence Global Positioning System. Not that it can't be done but face the facts who up there is lost.

Why does moon look different on different night?

You are probably looking at the moon with a different perspective each night, but the face of the moon doesn't change; Only the lighting of the moon changes.

Does the moon actually have a face?

No. There is simply an arrangement of craters on the moon that some people think looks like a face.

What is the moon when you can see most of its face?

Most people accept the answer as "the full moon".

Why do you think we see phases of the moon?

As the moon travels around the Earth, different parts of it are lighted by the sun. We see various parts of the face that are being lit by the sun. Since the sun and shadow move around the moon, we see different parts of the moon face, or phases of the moon.

Why do we think we see phases of the moon?

As the moon travels around the Earth, different parts of it are lighted by the sun. We see various parts of the face that are being lit by the sun. Since the sun and shadow move around the moon, we see different parts of the moon face, or phases of the moon.

Why does the moon look different throughout a full lunar cycle?

The sun lights a different portion of the moon's face during the lunar cycle.

When sunlight shines on the moon and people on earth are able to see an entire face of the moon it is called a?

That would be a full moon.

What kind of face does the moon have?

The moon face is spherical.

Does earth always keep the same side towards the moon?

No. If it did, then some people on earth would always see the moon in the sky, andsome other people on earth would never see the moon in their sky. Instead, everybodyon earth sees the moon rise and set, meaning that different parts of the earth are turningto face it.

How can you describe the moon?

my answer is moon like your face it shape your face's like moon

What is a description of a face that is called a moon face?

Moon face (also called moon facies) describes one's face to look round like a moon. There are various causes and symptoms of Moon face along with various related conditions.