

Do people pass drugs in North ridge Middle school?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No if they did the LAUSD and FBI will shut the school down.

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Q: Do people pass drugs in North ridge Middle school?
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Uhh... wow. Elementary School Parties: Games. Middle School: Hangin' out. High School Parties: Drugs, Sex, Drama.

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drug is addictive an the more the person take drugs the more the become dependant on it more frequently. people bring drugs to school is usually because they feel they need to use it during school time when their addiction kick in. another possible reason is to sell drugs or promote drug user. the more people use drugs, the more people get addicted to drugs and the more people would buy drugs and that is where greed on money steps in

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at school

Do they drug wen get a middle school football phiscal?

No. Not unless they have some independent reason to. But seriously, don't do drugs if you're in middle school. They are dangerous. Especially because you likely can't trust the person giving them to you.

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People usually take drugs or drink alcohol because their friends do it, their parents do it or they have problems at home or at school

How long would you be in jail if you got caught with drugs in your locker at school?

Unless your over 18, you wouldn't go to jail. You would go to Juvy, and then a "Safe school" for the rest of Middle School/High School

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stop selling check up at school and

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You need karate the most when your in middle school or high schools that way you dont get into drugs and bad things or be around bad influences!

Do people at Dandenong High School take drugs?

Dandenong High School prides itself on being one of the most state of the art secondary schools in the state, or even arguably, the nation. The taking of drugs is unacceptable at Dandenong High School, and is dealt extremely severely if any student breaches this law. It is abhorrent to see how people make generalisations of Dandenong High School, without experiencing the life of a Dandenong High School student. From personal experience, I can say that some people here and there do take drugs. And we cannot exclude Dandenong High school from this generalisation because I have heard of it there too.