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Do people remember pictures or words easier?

I chose to investigate this question myself as part of my gcse psychology corsework.

I tested 40 13-14 year old pupils with a simple recall test. I would show each class (20 pupils in each) a PowerPoint a series of 20 slides, with alternating pictures and words, such as football, china, and dog. I then gave the students 3 minutes to write down as much as they could remember of the list. The order of the pictures/words was different for both classes, in order to reduce order effects.

I found that overall, people were more likely to remember the pictures, with an average of 5.3 words remembered and 7.3 pictures remebered (out of 20) in one class.

In total 205 words were remembered between the classes

and 274 pictures were recalled.

51% of all words recalled.

69% of all pictures recalled.

However it is worth noting that i only tested year 9 students and the experiment conditions were not relevant to a real life situation. But i hope this helps answer your question.

Aimee Ash

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2d ago

People tend to remember pictures easier than words because our brains are more efficient at processing and retaining visual information. Visual cues can trigger strong emotional responses and help with memory recall compared to abstract symbols like words.

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