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It is quite possible, as these people are quite desperate to find a quick relief.

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Q: Do people still eat other people in order to do magic heal themselves from diseases become more fertile In other words does ritual cannibalism still exist in Africa?
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What is the most tribal country in Africa like they still go on with their olden cultures for example cannibalism?

Cannibalism was never practiced in Africa. Warring factions sometimes ate body parts of their foes, but that rarely occurred. Other tribal traditions are still practiced throughout Africa, except for the more urban areas.

Where is Africa's most fertile farmland located?

west central

Is it easier to fight bacterial diseases in the US or in Africa?

It is thousand times easier to fight bacterial diseases in US than Africa. But when it comes to viral diseases, the difference is less dramatic.

the fertile *blank* of Northern Africa and the Middle East is believed to be the first place where humans participated in agriculture?

The Fertile Crescent

What conflicts did Africa have?

Fight for natural resources and diseases are some of the conflicts that Africa had.

What are some side effects of cannibalism?

Cannibalism can look odd by human standards, but in fact it's widespread in the animal kingdom, and also amongst many human populations in the past, and survived till the20th century in some areas of Central Africa, South America, New Guinea and Vanuatu. Because many infections pass from victims to consumers, diseases linked to cannibalism should be very common, fact that does not happen. This could be due to the fact that cannibals usually feed alone. "Maybe this is why cannibalism is no longer common among people as it was in the past, because of the strong negative effects it can have when transmitting a disease. Cannibalism has some diseases with it's practice. Kuru is an incurable degenerative neurological disorder (brain disease) that is a type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy found in humans. It looks like a cow with mad cow disease.

What is the name of the diseases in Africa?

There are many diseases associated with Africa. The list includes tetanus, syphilis, pertussis, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV and AIDS, and Ebola.

Africa is rich of what resources?

Good location for trading, Fertile land, biodiversity -apex

Why is it that the Fertile Crescent in Africa called fertile?

The fertile crescent was called 'fertile' because around 2000 BCE there was fertile soil that was great for farming. new soil called silt was brought over regularly by floods. This fertility later on helped grow the early cities that lived there. It is worh noting that the Fertile Crescent is entirely in Southwest Asia, not Africa. It is in the current countries of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine, and Jordan.

What continent is Fertile Crescent in?

The Fertile Crescent is in southwest Asia.

What things can south Africa grow in their soil?

fertile flowers and bamboo trees

Two locations in Africa where there are fertile volcanic lava soils?

Rwanda and kenya