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no yhuu thickoss the plague too place along time ago nobody can catch it again

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Q: Do people still get the plague?
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Do people still die of the black plague?

No, we now know the bubonic plague was caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis that we have antibiotics to treat.

Can people die from plague?

yes sadly millions of people can die from plague :(

How many people die from plague yearly worldwide?

Approximately 2000 people die from a the plague on a yearly basis worldwide. The last big plague was the bubonic plague.

Rats and the plague?

Many believe that rats carried the black plague when in fact it was the flea the rat carried that actually carried the plague that is how people still got sick locked in a room with no windows is because they would get bit by the fleas (one of the reasons anyways)

Did only poor people catch the plague?

Rich people left towns and cities to get away from the plague. Poor people did not have that option so more poor people died of the plague.

Did the plague die?

yes, as if now. No new cases has been detected.

What did the people think the reason for the black plague was?

the people thought the cause of the black plague was a witches curse.

Is plague still a common disease in the world?

No, the plague is STILL pestering us today, and apparently there are a few cases reported worldwide. DON'T PANIC!! In England, there are no cases, but in the third world country's they are still being pestered by the pesty plague. Cases in the USA are very small, with apparently 1 case in 2003 and several a couple of years later. In places such as Brazil, Madagascar, South America and Africa cases are reported but only a few in the third world places are fatal. Now, with our knowledge of germs and vaccinations, we can save people quickly with no fuss. The plague is over though for us Europeans and Australians. Although it is still here, it is not common. If it was then we would hear about it, but then I suppose Leprosy is still common and no-one realises.... This was originally my answer to "Is the Plague still here?"

Is the plague a health problem today?

Yes and no. Some people do still today contract the bubonic plague via rat-flea bites, and that is certainly not good, it is not common, nor an epidemic. VERY few people contract it nowadays because of increased sanitation, and modern medicine.

Is the black death still caught?

Medical people are pretty sure the Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic plague. Bubonic plague is still present in many parts of the Earth. One difference today, however, is that we can treat it, so it is nowhere near as dangerous as it was even a hundred years ago.

Why is the black plague a crisis?

the black plague was a crisis because it killed lots of people

How did the bubonic plague affect shakespeare?

there were not as many people at the theater, and they close when plague happen