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In my experience, yes they do -- clearly. Sometimes, the pain caused is intentional; other times in spite of the survivors. I'd say that most suicides are very clear about who will be hurt in the aftermath.

Another Answer:

I would say yes also. But the vast majority have pain worse than the pain they feel for hurting others. Suicide is about them and how they feel and it's not that they don't care that they hurt people, it's that they have such strong emotions going on in their heads.

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Q: Do people that commit suicide know who they hurt when they commit suicide?
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Is suicide a crime?

If you commit suicide it can't be a crime. If you attempt it in the United States it is still not a crime. India and Singapore are the only countries that I know punish for attempted suicide by 1 to 5 years in prison. It could technically be counted as a crime; however, there is no punishment conceivable for someone who has committed suicide, as they are already dead and therefore cannot feel or care about anything (unless they are watching somehow from heaven).

How can you tell if someone wants to commit suicide now?

There is no method that will be accurate all the time, but there are things to do and to watch for. First, it is a myth that asking people if they are going to commit suicide is going to put thoughts into their heads that weren't there before. If you are concerned enough, by all means ask: Are you going to commit suicide? or: Are you going to hurt or kill yourself, accidentally or on purpose? People will not always answer truthfully, but sometimes they will. If a person says yes, then you can (and should) take steps to keep them safe.If you know that a person has been dealing with depression for a long time, or has been talking about dying, ending it, or being 'at the end of my rope', then that person may be at risk. Ask outright, or let the person's caregiver of partner know what is going on.If you notice that a person who has been very depressed suddenly appears lifted out of the depression, calm, relaxed and at peace, this may be a sign that the person has made a decision to suicide and has probably established a plan and a time frame. Ask some questions; don't just sit back, relieved that your friend is no longer depressed.

How can you help an 18-year-old that wants to commit suicide?

The best thing you can do for someone who is thinking of committing suicide is to be there for them. Listen to everything they have to tell you, and let them know that you are able and willing to help.If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, see the Related Questions below for ways to get help. There are trained, qualified counselors who are willing to listen and help you.

Who commits suicide?

People who are very deppresed and don't know hat to do with there life

What if you want to commit suicide?

I'm assuming you think you want to commit suicide after reading this question. The answer to your question is go and get help from a doctor, to you the idea might scare you, maybe you fear the consequence of approaching a doctor and telling them how you feel, it might seem dramatic but don't worry and don't feel dramatic they are there to help, it's worth a try. At times like this you might feel like things might not get better but if you hang on things will get better, think of all of the people who could have commited suicide but have pulled through and gone on to live good lives. You only know for certain that you get one life, don't throw it away. You don't have to live this way there is help available.

Related questions

Why did Janet Vogal commit suicide?

No one knows for sure. People only know that she commited suicide by Carbon Monoxide poisoning

Why did people on the Great Plains in the 1800's commit suicide?

because they had prarie madness from being isolated in the middle of know where

If i tried to commit suicide would my ex therapist know about it?


Is suicide infectious?

The idea of it may be but it certainly isn't a virus that you can get from being around someone. If you are around people who committed suicide or people who talk about suicide, try to get counseling. If your friend or someone you know wants to commit suicide, try to get them help as well. It is "contageous" in the sense that depressed people who see or hear of other people committing suicide will be more likely to want to commit suicide as well. That is one reason to resist the urge to commit suicide, since someone may want to follow in your footsteps and do it too. It is even worse when the person is very popular or influential. Someone may reason, "If it is good enough for ______, then it is good enough for me."

How many bullied people don't commit suicide?

Well....the people that are smart enough 2 know that that's NOT the answer & that eventually it will get better don't do that mess

Who was the first person to commit suicide?

As the first suicide certainly pre-dates written history it is impossible to know.

What should you do if your best friend is cutting herself and she wants to commit suicide and she is only 13 years old?

just let her know that people love her, and that you care. and just be with her as much as possible, me being a Christan i would pray for her. and let her know that people are always gonna hurt her but people love her and her life is to important to give up

Do people cry when they commit suicide?

Some do cry because the pain is so great, or they feel for themselves or their foolishness. But crying is not enough of a release for them, so they continue on to commit suicide. Others cry because they know the heartbreak they are causing, they know who and what they are leaving behind, and they are scared of what is on the other side. But all this knowledge doesn't keep them from committing suicide. The pain is just too great. Others commit suicide because they cannot or will not cry. They seen crying as weakness and suicide as a more honorable way out. They have denied themselves all possible release of their emotions.

How do you know when you are truly happy?

you dont feel sad. and you dont want to commit suicide

Does a person who commit suicide hate themselves?

People who commit suicide almost always suffer from major depression. They do not hate themselves; their lives are totally miserable, and they seek relief from the misery. Depression is treatable. If you know someone who is contemplating suicide, speak to someone in authority about it immediately. You are not "ratting out" your friend. You are more likely saving his or her life.

Do people commit suicide in the movie 300?

Yes in the movie you can see the men just jump off because they know that they would be pushed off otherwise.

Is it a crime letting someone commit suicide?

If you know about it and don't tell anyone, then yes, i believe it is