

Do people trophy hunt gorillas

Updated: 11/15/2022
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Q: Do people trophy hunt gorillas
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Trophy hunters hunt them for their skins mostly.

How do gorillas hunt alone or in groups?

they do more activities alone

Why don't gorillas hunt animals?

Gorillas are herbivores and eat only plants.

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People hunt swift foxes for the same reason they hunt everything else : it's "fun", the animals are "pests", and they get a free trophy (the fur, tail or head).

What do gorillas hunt?

Gorillas are mainly herbivores, plant eaters. Not much hunting needed to catch a plant.

Do gorillas hunt prey?

no only to protect there territory.

What food do gorillas hunt?

Gorillas are mainly herbivores, plant eaters, Not much hunting needed to Catch a plant.

What is the western gorilla's prey?

Gorillas are herbivores. They typically do not hunt.

What part of the moa did people hunt?

The Moa were hunted mostly for the meat on their legs but the feathers were used for clothing and trophy's

What eats gorllias?

if you mean do gorillas have enemies, then the answer is yes, gorillas have only one enemy that is humans, they will hunt them down for trophies and zoos. if you mean what do gorillas eat, then the answer is vegetation, they do not eat meat.

Why did people stop killing gorillas?

Because they are on the Endangered list since they are considered and Endangered Species. This makes them illegal to hunt, poach or even kill.

Who won the Lamar Hunt trophy in 2009?

Ladies and Gentlemen: the Pittsburgh Steelers !!