

Do phones go out when electricity does?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Maybe and maybe not.

Mobile phones have their own batteries, so whether the electricity is on or not is largely irrelevant to the phone. Nearby towers may or may not be impacted, so even if the phone itself still works, it may not be possible to use it to make calls in the affected area.

Home phones... it depends on the phone. Some phones (e.g. cordless phones) need mains power to work, and those will go out if the power does. However, some old-style corded phones draw all the power they need from the phone lines, which get power from the central office. If the central office still has power, this type of phone will still work (assuming the telephone lines aren't down as well). Even if the mains power is out at the central office, they generally have backup power systems (batteries and/or generators) to keep the phones working at least temporarily.

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