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Pilates lengthens, strengthens & tones the muscles for a lean look-not bulk.

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Q: Do pilates only lenght your muscles or does it get them big too?
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Do Pilates make your butt appear bigger?

NO! If you have a small toosh, or a medium size one you'll just tone it up. With any exercise, if you work out a certain area over, and over you'll build some muscle or get more muscles. the buttock are muscle overall so if you're looking to getting it bigger, work it. Just don't expect a big difference.:) Not pilates . There are some exercises as rollerskating or iceskating that are likely to increase the muscles of the glutes. There are also specific sets of weight resistance exercises for that purpose.

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he has really big muscles

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big muscles

How can one get big muscles?

Proper ways of regular exercise and proper diet can help to get big muscles.

Why do guy obsess with their muscles so much?

Men (and some women) are obsessed with their muscles because it's a sign of males, of power, of strength. However, big muscles aren't the only thing that represent those things.

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