

Do pirates swim

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Do pirates swim
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there is a glitch in the town to the right of the main docks you will be under the island and then you need to swim strait the whole way.

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Go onto the marine research lab and look at it with your back to the shore. Turn 90 degrees right. Swim in that direction and you'll eventually see it on your right.

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Yes. To swim. I swim, you swim etc

Is swim a verb?

Yes. To swim. I swim, you swim etc

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On Jackson Island, Tom Sawyer and his friends, Joe Harper and Huck Finn, play pirates, swim, explore, and make a pact to live as pirates forever. They also pretend to be pirates and have adventures during their time on the island.

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Pirates created pirates.

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it is what pirates do

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ok, its Pirate fortress first off (not to be rude) and once you get the Zora's Mask you swim down to the bottom of the sea, there near the fortress. Down near the bottom is 4 or 5 panels that have skulls and cross bones on them. pick the one second to the right and swim into it. This will open a cave leading into the fortress.

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Are pirates real today? Yes,but not like the pirates like in pirates of the cariben stealing in a sence says your a pirate.

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they swim in lakes or ponds but they do not swim in oceans

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yes they can swim