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Polar bears don't eat Arctic foxes, but Arctic foxes do eat Arctic hares.

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Q: Do polar bears eat the arctic fox and do the arctic fox eat the arctic hare?
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Related questions

What does an Arctic hare eat and what eats the Arctic hare?

they eat berries, mosses lichens, buds, leaves, seaweed, bark, willow twigs polar bears and large bears such as owls eat them

What do arctic rabbits eat?

they eat berries, mosses lichens, buds, leaves, seaweed, bark, willow twigs polar bears and large bears such as owls eat them

Does the polar bear live in the Arctic or Antarctic region?

Polar bears live only in the northern polar regions - which includes the Arctic and Arctic Circle regions. They do not live in the Antarctic.

What does the Arctic fox's prey eat?

Arctic foxes generally eat any small animal they can find, including lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion. They scavenge on carcasses left by larger predators such as wolves and polar bears, and in times of scarcity even eat their feces. They also eat some plant matter, including seaweed.

How many pangwins do polar bears eat a year?

zero, penguins and polar bears live at opposite end of the earth.

Why do Arctic foxes have to sneak up on polar bears if polar bears do not eat Arctic foxes?

because they can kill them if they think the fox will attack their young or if they feel threatened, they can kill them they dont have to eat them.

Do polar bears eat producers?

Polar bears eat primarily seals and other Arctic animals but do eat a small amount of plant material as well.

What type of berries do polar bears eat?

arctic berries tehe

What arctic animal eats a bearberry?

There are more than one animal that eats arctic hare:Arctic foxesSnow owlsArctic wolvesThese are the three top predators of the arctic hare.

Why don't arctic polar bears eat penguins?

Arctic polar bears and penguins live in different regions. Polar bears are found in the Arctic, while penguins live in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere. They do not naturally come into contact with each other due to the geographical separation.

How many penguins every day do polar bears eat?

On average, polar bears do not eat penguins as they live in different regions. Penguins are found in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica, while polar bears are found in the Arctic. These animals do not cross paths in the wild.

Do Arctic wolves ever hunt polar bears?

no the bear will eat the wolf