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Q: Do poppies regrow by themselves every year?
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Do soybeans regrow every year?

In general, soybeans do not regrow every year from the same plant. However, if the apical meristem or axillary buds are not frozen in the winter, there can be some regrowth.

Is fire still used today?

yes, some forest have to be burned every year so it can regrow.

Which deer species don't shed their antlers?

None of them. They all shed their antlers every year and regrow them back again.

How many poppies are sold in one year?

oh it would be hard to say but probably like millions of poppies. Around 40 million poppies are sold each year.

Should a cherry tree have leaves every year?

Yes. They will lose them in the winter months, but should regrow in the spring. If not, I'd say the tree is dead!

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1.4 million teenagers kill themselves every year

What time of year do poppies bloom in England?

June to July

Why do Brits wear Poppy pins?

It is a mark of respect. The Poppy represents the fallen in times of war because after World War One the fields which used to have the trenches in them grew thousands of poppies. It is believed that the growth of the poppies is linked to the rotting corpses left behind from the war. Therefore every year we wear poppies to remember those who died for our country in any conflict. The money raised from selling the poppies is used to look after veterans and injured soldiers.

Zinnia do they come back every year?

Yes, they reseed themselves.

How many poppies are distributed in Canada each year?

18 million

How many poppies are made each year for remembrance day?

31 million

Do viola flowers grow back every year?

Viola is an annual plant, it dies at the end of the growth season, normally about 3 to 4 months. The plants may regrow the following year, from seed which is dispersed by the parent plant