

Do popular guys flirt with girls to make fun of them?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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no that means they like you but if their friends come they act like it to make fun of you because its kinnda funny inside guys like unpopular girls cause their the pretty ones and popular girls are usually ugly but ya he does like you

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Q: Do popular guys flirt with girls to make fun of them?
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i dont think girls flirt more than guys they just flirt diffrently I agree. Girls flirt in a different way than guys, and they tend to lay it on heavy. They giggle and flip their hair and act all weird to make guys like them, but it doesn't ever do anything except make guys think that they don't want to be themselves around them.

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usually it means dey like u.

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That is a little complicated. The simple answer is that the guys flirt with the girls they don't like because they don't like them, that means that there's no way a guy and a girl tha he don't like stay together. Otherside, they don't flirt with girls they like because: 1. They are shy with girls they like (Believe me this happens) 2. They don'y flirt because they are afraid of the flirt go wrong. 3. They don't flirt because they are afraid of messing all up. 4. " " " " " " " that the flirt works and after, they choke the girl by staying with another one. I hope I was helpfull, believe me I'm a guy.

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Flirt with her. Make it obvious you like her. Girls like it when guys make the first move.

How do you make the the girls like or admire you?

It depends on what girl. Girls, like guys, have personal inerests and tastes in guys. Some girls notice guys with great hair, some notice guys with great bodies, some notice guys with great eyes. You can't be all-around perfect, so flirt a little! Great personality is a quality that most girls look for so be more interesting than the next guy. Don't lie, though. Girls hate that!

How do you flirt back with a girl?

You should be funny, girls love funny guys! Also make a lot of eye contact, but not too much of course. You don't want to freak her out.

Why do girls make fun of guys?

They want to make fun of the girls because.... 1.They like the her or group of girls. 2.To become more popular. 3.They want to act tough.

Why is it impossible to get a girl that looks good but they always hang with the popular guys and ur not so popular?

It's not impossible. Many guys at my school that are nerds and stuff have pretty girlfriends that are way out of their league. Because the guys have the guts to ask the girls out and you don't have to be popular, you just need to have the guts to talk to whoever you want. Guys always need to make the first move, and trust me when you do, girls will fall for you. No matter who you are.

If your ex keeps flirting wid other guys in your face what do you do even if your emo?

If she is doing that means she is trying to make u jealous, trying to get a reaction from you. Just ignore her or u could flirt with girls to make her jealous.