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Q: Do porifera have a true body cavity?
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What phylum has a true coelom?

Coelom is a word used to describe a body cavity of an animal, so there are three different types of coeloms:AcoelomateMost Primitive TypeNo body cavity around gutPseudocoelomate ("fake Ceolom")The cavity surrounding the gut is lined, but the gut itself is notGut and body cavity are linedEucoelmate ("true Ceolom")Gut and body cavity are linedAllows organs to move without frictionIf you are referring to the true ceoloms, there are no invertabrates with this body type, as it is only found in higher organisms.

What type of body cavity does a jellyfish have?

Pisces or fish have true internal body cavity.

What type of animals have no body cavity?

Lower phyla in the animal kingdom such as Cnidarians, Porifera, and Ctenophora.

The body cavity is a true coelom why?

The body cavity is a true coelom because it is lined by a layer of coelomic epithelium of mesodermal origin.

Chordates have a true body cavity called a?

yes, I think it's called coelom. An organism with a true body cavity is called a eucoelomate. This means that the body cavity exists between the inner layer of mesoderm and the outer layer of mesoderm. A pseudocelomate kind of has a body cavity but it is the space between the endoderm and mesoderm. This is not a true body cavity because it is not mesoderm on mesoderm.

Which organism has a true body cavity?


What is an animal with a true body cavity?

A kangaroo has a pouch

True or false Most animals have a cavity inside their body where food is broken down into substances the body can use?


What animals are eucoelomate?

eucoelomate (true guts) possessing a cavity coelom between the body wall and the gut. (zoology)

What do you mean by true coelom?

The coelom is the body cavity of an animal. A true coelom is a body cavity that is complete from mouth to anus with no breaks; there are animals that have pseudocoeloms - mouths and anuses but no solid connection between the two.

What is true coelom in Metazoans?

True coelom is body cavity lined by mesothelium on both sides as in chordates .

Do sponges or cnidarians have a gastovascular cavity?

No, they are from the Phylum Porifera.