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Opossums don't carry a disease fatal to horses, they more like leave it behind. When consumed, opossum fecies can cause a horse to develop EPM (equine protozoal myeloencephalitis) which is a neurological disease. The horse may seem dissorientated, dizzy, unstable, and overall act very odd. It is treatable but a vet examination and testing is the first action one should take. Recovery may not be 100% and your horse may not seem themselves. I have a horse that tested positive with EPM and showed all the symptoms, was treated for it, and cured 100%. If you suspect your horse to have EPM, again call your vet. To try and avoid a horse from contracting EPM and if you suspect there is a possibility of them coming in contact with opossum feceis (or any other kind for the matter) try feeding them hay in a hay bag and off the ground outside, feed them hay in a stall if possible, or frequently muck their fields. Oh and the FULLY answer the question, yes if not caught or treated properly EPM is commonly fatal

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Q: Do possums carry diseases fatal to horses?
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