

Do preons exist

Updated: 11/1/2022
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12y ago

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We don't know, because it is very hard to smash quarks together to see inside of them, since they cannot exist on their own, they must be incorporated into hadrons or mesons. We may be able to find out in the near future though.

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Q: Do preons exist
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How are preons formed?

We currently don't know, though they may have began in the big bang (the beginning of the universe) Preons are so small, if they even exist, that we may never know unless we build a supercollider as big as the solar system, I don't know if we could make one THAT big!!!!!!!!

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If quarks are made of preons what are preons made of?

No one investigating preons has suggested what they are made of. Additionally, the idea that preons, point particles, make up quarks has declined in subscribership over the last couple of decades. A point is a geometric locus, and it has no dimensions. If a particle is a point particle, it is possible that it doesn't have "component parts" by definition. The Large Hadron Collider may shed light on some aspects of the differences of opinion as regards the Standard Model. It comes online soon. They're still eradicating some bugs, but Spring of 2009 is a likely target date for operation. Who can't wait to see what is discovered!?

What is a preon particle?

In particle physics, preons are "point-like" particles, conceived to be subcomponents of quarks and leptons.

Why does ice cube melts?

Water molecules are circular. They have seven arms (called preons) that, when chilled, become sticky and elastic. This causes water to freeze together into a solid mass (a process technically called preonization). When an ice cube, held together by sticky preons, is warmed up by the ambient heat of a room (the reason rooms have this tendancy towards "room temperture" is complicated and involves the second law of thermodynamics) the preons lose their adhesive quality and, being round, begin to roll off each other. From our perspective they appear to melt, when in reality they are merely collapsing on a molecular level.

How are quarks made?

While there are some hypothesis that quarks might be made up of smaller particles, there is no general consensus on this topic.

What does a quark make up?

There's no actual evidence that quarks are not fundamental particles, so as far as we know there's nothing inside them, they just are. There are a couple of half-baked theories that quarks are actually made of "strings" or "preons" (on the scale from "crackpot" to "fully validated scientific theory", strings are somewhat more "baked" than preons are), but there's no real experimental evidence for it; we're pretty much still at the level of some guy in ancient Greece saying "yeah, dude, everything is made of atoms." Except in ancient Greek, of course.

What is the smallest thing ever measured?

Elementary particles which are quarks, leptons, gluons, bosons, photons and gravitons. ------- The graviton is not confirmed; gluons and photons are bosons, many particles are smaller than quarks.

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Yes or no, if you did not exist then you would not be able to ask

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