

Do president need to have electoral and popularity votes?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No, they only need to have a majority in electoral votes to win.

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Q: Do president need to have electoral and popularity votes?
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Does the president need a majority of the electoral votes or the majority of the popular vote to win?

majority on electoral votes

Does the electoral college decide the next president?

No the next president is decided by the amount of electoral votes the candidate gets. They need to have so many electoral votes to win the elections.


A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to be declared President of the United States. Indiana has 11 electoral votes.

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270 electoral votes

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To become president they need 265 electoral votes.

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To be declared the winner, a candidate needs at least 270 electoral college votes.

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It doesn't work that way. The electoral votes are the final vote for president. The popular vote will either go for one party deciding who the electoral votes go to.

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What is the number of electoral votes need to win the presidency?

270 electoral votes.

What margin is required to choose the president?

The winning candidate has to have a simple majority of votes from the electoral college. In other words, the candidate will only need to win by ONE electoral vote to become the president. He must receive a simple majority of the 535 votes in the electoral college.

How many does Obama or Romney need to become president?

In order to become president, one needs 270 electoral votes. Barack Obama received 332 electoral votes, while Mitt Romney only received 206.

How many electoral votes does a president need to be nominated?

It depends on what country or organisation you are electing a President of. USA or Bootle Golf Club?