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No, prokarya is not a recognized biological classification. Prokarya is an outdated term used prior to the modern classification of organisms into bacteria and archaea domains.

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Q: Do prokarya is a kingdom
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What kingdom has single-celled organisms that have a cell wall and no well-defined nucleus?

The kingdom Prokarya.

Which is a kingdom A Eukarya B Mammalia C Prokarya D Animalia?

D Animalia

What domain is campylobacter in?

Campylobacter is a genus of bacteria that typically resides in the domain Bacteria.

What is prokarya?

prokaryas are living things that have no membrane bound nucleus or the genetic mater of the cell. Hence are called as "prokaryotes". An example of this kingdom is blue-green algae.

Which group was not described in Woese's tree of life analysis?

Protists were not described in Carl Woese's original tree of life analysis, as his focus was on the three domains of life: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Protists were later classified within the domain Eukarya.

What is a kingdom Prokarya Mammalia Protista or Chordata?

based cell structure , tissue organisation,mode of nutrition ,etc animals are divided into different kingdom's.kingdom Monerakingdom protistakingdom fungikingdom plantaekingdom animaliathis classification was proposed by Robert Whittaker

What are the two kingdoms of prokaryotes made of?

The Bacteria and Archaebacteria are two kingdoms made up of Prokaryotic cells.

Are ribosomes found in prokarya cells?

Both, they create the proteins both plants and animals need.

The largest group into which an organism can be classified?

The largest group into which an organism can be classified is the domain. There are three main domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Organisms within each domain share certain fundamental characteristics that distinguish them from organisms in the other domains.

What domain is anabaena?

not sure if its true but i googled "anabaena domain" and one of the google links said it was Domain Prokarya

What is the difference between eukarya and prokarya?

the difference is when you-carry-a something, you might break it. but when you let a pro-carry-a something, he wont drop it.

What kingdom does not have nucleus in its cells?

The thing is Eukaryotes don't have a nucleus, but prokaryotes do. So if Archaebacteria and Eubacteria are prokaryotes, and Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals are Eukaryotes, than that means Archaebacteria and Eubacteria have a nucleus and Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals don't have a nucleus.