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Q: Do protists reproduce by asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction or both?
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How does a protista reproduce?

They reproduce sexually and asexually. Some reproduce by binary fission (asexual) and others use gametes (sexual reproduction).

How protista reproduce?

Protists are mostly unicellular eukaryotic cells. The most common type of reproduction in protists is asexual binary fission. Some protists, though, are known to reproduce using sexual means.

What has both sexual and asexual reproduction?

Some protists.

Sexual reproduction for a parmecium?

Parmecium do not reproduce sexually, they reproduce my asexual reproduction.

Is a tree asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction?

Pecans reproduce sexually.

Do Annuals reproduce sexual or asexual?

vegetative propagation and pollination, both sexual AND asexual reproduction.

What is the difference between sexual reproduce and asexual reproduce?

Sexual reproduction requires an two haploid gametes fusing to form a single diploid organism. Asexual reproduction does not.

Is santan sexual or asexual reproduction?

Santan flowers sexually reproduce.

How does a daisy reproduces?

Daisies are able to reproduce by sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. They can also be pollinated by insects and animals.

What are the similaraties between sexual and asexual reproduction?

They both reproduce.

Do humans reproduce asexual or sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete. These gametes must come from two organisms, a male and a female. Asexual reproduction is reproduction through cloning or budding. Humans reproduce sexually.

What are the two kinds of reprodution?

sexual and asexual reproduction. sexual where it takes to organisms to reproduce and asexual where an individual organism can reproduce without a second party