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Q: Do pupils became smaller with age?
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Do your pupils get bigger or smaller when they are dilated?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

Why cant you see less when your pupils get smaller?

Because your pupils adjust to the light and when there is more light your pupils get smaller and when there isn't much light your pupils get bigger .

When your pupiles dilate do they get bigger or smaller?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

When you cry are your pupils smaller or bigger?


What happens to pupils after entering a dark room?

your pupils gets smaller

Does Lortab make your pupils big or small?

Lortab will cause contraction of your pupils. (i.e. smaller pupils)

Why does your pupils get smaller then it gets bigger repeatedly?

When it gets dark, your pupils grow big. When the light is on, your pupils grow smaller. Why this answer? Here's a good explanation. It all depends on light and how much of it there is.

What will make your pupils small?

When light come into your eye your pupils will get smaller. In a dim or dark room your pupils will enlarge to let in more light so you can see. Also some drugs will make your pupils smaller, or when your high they dilate.

Are pupils supposed to be big or small?

Well when you are inside or in a low lighted area your pupils get bigger, but when you outside when its bright your pupils get smaller.

Do your pupils get smaller when you drink alcohol?

Yes, alcohol consumption can cause the pupils to constrict or become smaller. This is a normal physiological response to the depressant effects of alcohol on the central nervous system.

Why do your pupils constrict?

Pupils constrict in response to bright light to reduce the amount of light entering the eye and protect the sensitive retina from potential damage. Conversely, pupils dilate in dim lighting conditions to allow more light into the eye for improved vision in low-light environments.

What part of a eye make your pupils larger and smaller?
