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Q: Do rabbits and pheasants have any relationship to each other?
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Do pheasants mate?

no they just stare at each other an a baby pheasant pops out

I just got three mail rabbits one is abusing the other rabbits or are the other rabbit girls?

if they are all male rabbits they are just fighting for dominance. sometimes rabbits just dont get along with each other

Why do our boy rabbits try to mate with each other They are quite aggressive with each other and one is losing hair on his head?

Male rabbits can be vicious with each other even if they are related. They can fight for food and for attention. Male rabbits can also be dominent exspecially if you had on of them before the other then they would feel like the other rabbit was in its space. If they continue fighting and harming each other then you should separate them

In the relationship between the small fish and the jellyfish?

They are both in common with each other and have their relationship by eating each other

Can peafowl mate with pheasants?

They Grab each other by the neck just like a chikens &and push there private togather when they press on the neck!

How many rabbits is it best to keep?

Two is the best to keep but they have to be the same gender. It is best to keep two rabbits so they can clean each other and they can play with each other and so they can stay together when there is danger. It is best to have two rabbits from the same family.

When male and female rabbits meet each other what do they do?

well duhhhhhh ;)

Your 2 1 year old male rabbits try to mate each other?

You should never have 2 male rabbits (Bucks) together. They'll fight and they might kill each other.

What is a relationship where people depend on each other?

Codependent relationship

Do does female rabbits fight with other does and do bucks male rabbits fight with other bucks?

Yes, females and males will fight with each other. They have small fights that are just a pecking order. The males can hurt each other if there is a female to fight over.

Do rabbits and hamsters fight?

Rabbits fight with each other. Rabbits are very territorial and will even castrate and kill each other if food is not readily available. They will stake their territory and hold fast. Rabbits also fight with their predators. Primary predators include foxes, coyotes, bobcats - pretty much any larger carnivore, also pets like cats and dogs.

What is a symbiotic relationship between an eagle and a rabbit?

The relationship between an eagle and a rabbit could be described as symbiotic only in a metaphorical sense; they are not symbiotic in the normal sense of the word. But this is what they do for each other: to an eagle, a rabbit is food. And to a rabbit, an eagle is a way to prevent the rabbit population from outgrowing the available vegetation that rabbits eat, thereby preventing a horrible famine among the rabbits.