

Do rabbits get tired of their food?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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No. Mostly, rabbits should eat hay, but pellets (dried rabbit food) are an important part of their diet, as well as fresh water and fresh leafy greens (like Romaine lettuce).

Some rabbits are sensitive to pellets and too many pellets in their diet makes them sick. These rabbits should eat less pellets and more leafy greens. Some rabbits are so sensitive that their owners have slowly transitioned their rabbits to a no-pellets diet (just hay and fresh greens), but this can be very risky and time-consuming because good pellets (there are bad ones -- read labels!) are specially formulated to meet a rabbit's dietary needs (with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients). If you feed your rabbit a no-pellets diet, you probably need to feed some dietary supplements, too. Definitely, no one should consider this extreme diet without first doing a lot of research, finding someone who has successfully done this diet before who can offer advice, and talking to a few different knowledgeable "rabbit-savvy" vets first. If your rabbit is healthy on a normal diet of hay, pellets, and greens, don't even consider changing it: rabbits are very sensitive to diet changes and a change in diet can make them sick.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Nope! Of course, you can vary their vegetables. One day lettuce, next day carrots or whatever

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8y ago

Only green plants make their own food. Rabbits eat plants.

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rabbits don't use photosynthesis

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