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food chain

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Q: Rabbits eat grass and foxes eat rabbits is called a?
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What eats grass and gets eaten by foxes?

The best example would be rabbits and hares which feed on grass and are eaten by foxes.

A fox population eats rabbits that have a population cycle of about ten years. Which is a likely effect of the foxes preying on the rabbits?

They foxes will have a ten-year population cycle

Is a rabbit a preditor or prey?

a rabbit is a prey it eats grass and leaves ( a vegetarion)

Do lion head rabbits eat grass?

yes, lion head rabbits eat grass!

A food web in a New England forest?

your "question" is not a question to begin with. anyways, grass produces food. the grass is eaten by grasshoppers, mice and rabbits. grasshoppers are eaten by mice and toads. mice are eaten by snakes, hawks and owls. rabbits are eaten by foxes and coyotes. foxes are eaten by coyotes. snakes are also eaten hawks.

Where do the rabbits live?

RAbbits usually live anywhere where there is grass and trees and bushes.

What is the Interactions between food chain and food web?

a food web shows animals that eat consumers and producers, and it shows several animals that eat the same thing say: rabbits and cows eat grass, foxes eat rabbits, humans eat rabbits and cows, if you get what i mean? a food chain is like: grass-->rabbit-->fox. hope this answer helped :)

What are two things that rabbits eat?

Rabbits feed on grass, forbs and leafy weeds.

Do rabbits eat catterpillars?

No. Rabbits are herbivores, and graze on plants, plant products, and grass.

What animals eat grass in the tundra?

Pika are small animals that eat grass in the tundra.

What do both rabbits and grass plants do?

Yes, they love grass.

How do rabbits eat grass?

witht their paws