Do foxes have eyes in front of thre head?
Oh, dude, you're asking about foxes now? Yeah, they totally have eyes in front of their heads. I mean, how else are they gonna see where they're going? It's like, a basic survival thing, you know? So, yeah, foxes are not walking around blindfolded, if that's what you were wondering.
arctic foxes do not eat moose. they are much too large for the foxes to digest themselves. instead, they eat rodents,fish,lemmings and leftovers of larger predators
A leader fox is typically referred to as an "alpha" fox. In a pack of foxes, the alpha fox is the dominant individual who leads and makes decisions for the group. The alpha fox plays a crucial role in maintaining the pack's social structure and ensuring its survival.
Is the crayfish considered a vertebrate or non vertebrate animal?
Well, honey, a crayfish is a non-vertebrate animal. It falls under the lovely category of invertebrates because it doesn't have a backbone to strut its stuff. So, next time you see a crayfish, just remember it's all squishy and spineless, just like your ex.
Oh, isn't that a lovely question? Foxes don't actually have red eyes, they usually have beautiful golden or amber eyes that shine like little gems in the sunlight. Each fox is unique, just like a happy little tree in a painting, so you might come across some rare cases where a fox may have darker eyes, but red eyes are not common in foxes, my friend.
Why do fox ears point forward?
Fox ears point forward to help them locate and focus on sounds in front of them. Their ears are designed to rotate independently, allowing them to accurately pinpoint the source of a sound. This adaptation is crucial for hunting prey and avoiding predators in their natural habitat. Additionally, the forward-facing ears also help foxes communicate with each other through various vocalizations.
The Latin word for "little fox" is "vulpes parva." So next time you see a cute little fox, you can impress your friends by calling it a "vulpes parva." Just don't expect the fox to respond, they're too busy being adorable.
What are all the episodes you see naruto use the nine tail fox?
Naruto Uzumaki, the main character in the anime series "Naruto," uses the Nine-Tails Fox's power in several key episodes throughout the series. Some notable episodes include Episode 1, where Naruto first taps into the Nine-Tails' chakra during his battle with Mizuki; Episode 167, where Naruto fights Pain and fully embraces the Nine-Tails' power; and Episode 329, where Naruto gains control over the Nine-Tails' chakra and enters his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. Each of these episodes showcases Naruto's growth and mastery of the Nine-Tails' power.
What was a quote from the book Stone Fox?
Well, honey, in the book "Stone Fox," the quote you're looking for is "Run like the wind, Little Willy." It's a simple yet powerful line that captures the essence of determination and perseverance. So, go ahead and use it as your daily mantra or something, I don't care.
What animal does a fox resemble when digging?
What is the difference between a fennec fox and a red fox?
The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) are two distinct species of foxes. The main differences lie in their physical characteristics and habitats. The fennec fox is much smaller in size compared to the red fox, with large ears that help dissipate heat in its desert habitat. The red fox, on the other hand, is larger and has a wider range of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and urban areas.
How fast can a bat eared fox run?
A bat eared fox can run at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour, which is pretty impressive for a little critter with those big ears. They may not be breaking any land speed records, but they can definitely outrun your grandma if she's not careful. Just imagine those ears flopping in the wind as they zoom past you!
How far do foxes travel from the den?
Foxes typically travel within a 2-3 mile radius from their den while foraging for food. In some cases, they may travel even farther, especially during mating season or when resources are scarce.
Cats and dogs don't inherently dislike each other. However they have different communication methods and can misinterpret each other's body language.
A dog wagging a tail is normally indicating friendship, or enthusiasm of some kind.
A cat wagging a tail indicates annoyance and immediately desist whatever you are doing.
A dog bows and puts its butt up in the air as a signal to play.
A cat raises its back to threaten, and also raises its hindquarters, tail erect, to invite friendly contact.
Breed and temperment come into the equation as well. Dogs that have a high "prey instinct" will chase any smaller animal that runs. A calm self assured cat can get along with a breed that would not get along with a nervous cat prone to flight.
Dogs and Cats that are raised together from a young age, learn to read each other's signals and to bond as one pack/glaring/family. The same dog may chase a cat it does not know.
Cats are normally a more solitary animal. Cats are curious and like to snoop but don't like being snooped on. Cats are particular about who they allow to come close to them.
Cats and dogs have a need to get acquainted which includes smelling the front and rear parts of everyone they meet, to determine where they have been, what they have eaten, and their state of health. Both animals, when they want to get to know another creature, including humans, will first sniff the breath and the scent-glands around the head area and then check out the other end. A cat will offer its rear end, expecting its friend to have a good sniff; a dog generally waits for other animals to take the initiative when it comes to bum-sniffing.
These opposing behaviors can conflict in terms of getting along and may cause humans to believe "They just don't like each other", but myriad examples exist of cats and dogs grooming each other, sleeping together and sharing food and play. These animals do "like" each other, it is very individual.
It's pretty simple: you might equally ask why cats and mice don't like each other. A dog - like a cat - is a predator. To a dog, a cat it doesn't actually consider family is potential prey, and if it's running away, it's definitely prey.
The dog doesn't chase the cat because he doesn't like it, he chases it because he wants to kill and eat it; this is what dogs are programmed to do with fleeing animals.
Cats run away from dogs rather than attack them because dogs usually have greater strength and always have far more powerful jaws. For the same reasons, mice run away from cats.
Actually, some cats and dogs do like each other. Both my cat and my dog are good friends.
Some cats and dogs don't like each other because they have either had problems with them in the past or they just don't want to get along.
The fact is, dogs see cats as prey and cats see dogs as predators. It's not that they don't like each other. It's instinct.
While it is true that some dogs will make friends with cats, it's not always the case, or considered the norm. In fact, dogs have been known to make friends will all kids or other animals. Cats have been known to do the same thing.
And just because your dog or cat has a friendly disposition toward other animals, doesn't necessarily mean that the other animal does too.
alot of times you see dogs and cats dont like each other in movies
my opinion it is because of their personalities
my dog had another owner before me and they had a cat and it was her best friend the owner was my moms friend sooo we go over alot we ALWAYS bring my dog and the cat NEVER remembers her she just sits in a corner and growls
while my dog lays heartbrocken
Cats and dogs do not like each other because of their past histories. Long ago wolves and cats fought each other for territories. Wolves then evolved into the dog and these big cats evolved into the average house cat. These animals have had a long rivalry. Their inner instingnts tell them that each other are no good.
Well, it's not that they don't like each other, it's that they'd rather not be with each other. One way to get them to be friends is that they will have to meet when they are younger.
Zombiesdie3: This I would like to counter by saying that my cats and dogs love each other. My cats curl up with them and even lick them. The dogs do the same and lick them back. A cat rubs up against something to say it wants it to be a part of its family. My cats do this to my dogs all the time. They even play with each other alot and I mean ALOT.
There is no reason why cats and dogs wouldn't like each other. There are many examples of households where cats and dogs not only coexist but even love each other. All animals will have an adjustment period when first introduced.
some dogs actually like cats, but some chase them
if cats provoke dogs or run/ yowl near them, that send the dog into chasing mode.
if a dog had a bad experience with a cat, it might remember that and, you know.
hope this helps.
cats are normally SHY, or 'scaredy cats'.
they do NOT like abrupt loud noises from 'something' they do not already know.
dogs create 'abrupt loud noises' aka BARK. they are also bigger than cats.
if a larger animal (aka dog) approaches a strange cat, the cat will cower & consider running away (may also make self appear huge, spit growl howl) - ALL things that make larger dog want to get closer or BARK
which causes the spiral of 'cats don't like dogs'
Dogs and cats DON'T actually hate each-other. It is only rumors, or in Cartoons they do.
It's just the cat that hates the dog. The dog just wants to play with the cat, but the cat is feeling like it's getting annoyed by the dog, so the two animals get in a fight.
Dogs are natural predators of cats. Also, today's domesticated dogs, although friendly, can be overwhelming to a cat. Cats don't like sudden movements, loud noises or anything larger than them. A dog's friendly overtures to a cat might seem like an "attack" to the cat. From the dog's point, they like to chase things. A cat runs, the dog is going to chase it. Some dogs still have the instict to "hunt" anything smaller than it. A family dog may not think twice about the family cat, but if the dog is out and about and sees a cat run from it, the dog will chase it down-prey
Is a heliozoa asexual or sexual?
Heliozoa reproduce mainly through asexual means, such as binary fission and budding. Sexual reproduction is rare in heliozoa.
In Arizona, you are not allowed to own a fox as a pet. Foxes are considered exotic animals and are prohibited from being kept as pets without a special permit or license. It is important to check with local wildlife authorities to confirm the regulations regarding owning exotic pets in your area.
Is archeabacteria sexual or asexual?
Archaea reproduce asexually through binary fission, where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Some species can also exchange genetic material through a process called horizontal gene transfer, but this is not considered a sexual reproduction method.
A fox's winter home is called its den. Dens can be dug underground (often at the base of a tree) or can be found inside of a cave, under a pile of rocks, or even within a hollow log.
If your question is what does one call a collection of foxes, the answer to that is a troop, earth, or skulk.