

Do rabbits like marigolds

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Marigolds are a poisonous plant. Gardeners plant them in between crops to deter pests. I would imagine they don't taste too good. I have refrained from investigating.

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They certainly do, right down to soil level! Supposed to be poisonous, but rabbits in my garden haven't read the manual.

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Can rabbits eat marigolds?

Yes i have tried it on my rabbit and he loves it

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The shape of carnations and marigolds are both round and they are roughly the same height. They both grow in temperate gardens.There are many more differences. Marigolds are annuals and carnations are perennials. Carnations smell sweet and spicy while marigolds are stinky and deter rabbits and other pests from your garden. Carnations have "pinked" edges on the petals while marigolds have smooth edges on the petals.

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Nothing I don't have any marigolds.

What are man in the moon marigolds?

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When to plant marigolds?

The summer time is the best to plant marigolds. :)

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Marigolds don't grow with salt water