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They will act different when they miss their friends. And are smart enough to notice the difference between finding out that their cage mate is in sick bay or when their cage mate will not return.

It is like us losing our youth friend.

Suggestion if you have to seperate rats due to well operations and so on at least let them sniff each other every few days so they know they still exist.

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Q: Do rats mourn the death of a cage mate?
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Do fancy rats do better with a mate or by itself?

They should have at least one other cage mate so they do not get lonely and stressed out.

My rat is freaking out what do I do?

If your rat is freaking out, introduce a same sex cage mate because rats are highly social animals.

How do you get rats to mate?

I know I think you just put them in the cage and let them mate by their selfs xDAND I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE THEM ALONE!I really hope i helped!Prob not but, i tried! :)

One of your two pet rats died today how can you make sure she isn't lonely?

It is often beneficial to get a new cage mate for a rat who has lost her only cage mate. Otherwise, she will often go into a state of depression.On a personal note, I had two female rats that were cage mates. One died in the cage due to an accident involving a cage decoration (a wooden house). The surviving rat became very depressed. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't socialize and just laid in her bed all of the time.I felt so sorry for her that I got her another cage mate and she immediately perked up and became "happy" again. I highly recommend getting a 2nd female rat as a new cage mate.

What is the name of the cage in which rats are kept?

There is no specific name for a cage for rats, its just based on what the housing is. So a cage for rats is just a cage. (Just like a hutch for rabbits is still a hutch even with no rabbits in)

Why are rats afraid of cages?

Not all rats are afraid of cages. My rats have always loved their cage, and when let out to play would wander in and out at their leisure. If you have rats who are afraid of their cage maybe there is something in the cage they do not like, maybe the cage is too small, maybe the cage is not comfortable enough or in a good position. Maybe there is something near the cage that scares the rats or maybe they do not get enough playtime and then resist going back into their cage. There are many reasons why a rat may be fearful of their cage, so there is no definitive answer.

What time of the year do rats mate?

Rats mate all year around. They might even have 100 babies in their lifetime!

Why do rats jump on other rats back?

To mate most likely.

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Do rats have nest?

yup, wild ones almost always do. And pet rats have their cage.

Are pet rats easy to travel with?

Just keep it in it's cage or travel cage and it will be all right.