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Reindeer are native to and live in the arctic and subarctic regions, so it would be the tundra.

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Q: Do reindeer live in the tundra marshes deserts or rainforests?
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Do reindeer live in the tundra or the marshes?


Does a reindeer survive in a cold or a hot desert?

Neither. Reindeer live in the tundra primarily not in deserts.

Do camels reindeer roadrunners or jackrabbits live in the desert?

All of them live in deserts except for reindeer. Reindeer are animals of the tundra.

What plants are in the deserts or tundra in Romania?

Romania hasn't tundra and deserts.

What is vegetation region?

A vegetation region is the major types of plants that grow in that climate and area. So rainforests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, taiga have specific vegetation that grow in that region.

What eats lichens in the tundra?

The most common animal to eat lichens in the tundra is the caribou (reindeer) and its favorite lichen is reindeer moss

What is a regions vegetation?


Is there a reindeer named tundra?

there isn't one

Who lives on the Arctic tundra?

santa and his reindeer.

What do tundra and desert represent?

Tundra and deserts represent different ecosystems.

What type of deserts are found in Russia?

Russia has tundra but no true deserts.

What is the shelter people in tundra live in?

No one lives on the tundra except for reindeer herders. They still live in wigwams while on the tundra with their reindeer. No one lives in igloos, which actually were always nothing more than temporary housing. Of course, even reindeer herders now live in regular housing while not on the tundra.