

Do reptiles have cartilage

Updated: 8/17/2019
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how should i know? ask your dang teacher, sheesh

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Q: Do reptiles have cartilage
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Do reptiles have a back bone made of cartilage?

No. Reptiles are vertebrates, and therefore have a spinal column made of bone.

Do reptiles have backbones made of cartilage?

Yes, reptiles have most of the same organs as you and I, and are vertebrates, they are not like worms.

Are reptiles skeletons made of bone or cartilage?

Frogs have a skeleton made mostly of bone with some piecesmade ofcartilage.

Do reptiles have vertabres?

Yes, reptile have vertebrae. Snakes have especially distinctive vertebrae as they are the only animal to have a zygosphene and zygantrum, to keep the adjacent vertebrae from twisting. Turtles are also distinctive as most are fused to the carapace.

Do snakes have cartilage in their backbones?

No. Snakes are relatively recently evolved compared with other types of vertebrates and are the newest branch of reptiles. The first animals with backbones we fish, which were followed by amphibians and reptiles. Dinosaurs, mammals, birds, turtles, crocodiles, and lizards all had backbones and appeared before the first snakes slithered across the ground.

Articular cartilage what type of cartilage?

hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion

What is the cushion between two bones?

Cartilage tissue.

what types of cartilage is articular cartilage?

hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion

Name the specific cartilages in the larynx that forms the Adam's apple?

The cartilage that forms the Adam's apple is the thyroid cartilage.

What type of cartilage makes of articular cartilage?

hyaline cartilage

What separates the vertebrae from each other?

It is seperated by what the animals group is like Reptiles,Amphibians,Mammals,Fish,and Birds. oclusion pads of cartilage.

What is the name of the large cartilage of the anterior larynx?

The most prominent cartilage in the anterior larynx is the thyroid cartilage. The thyroid cartilage is a shield shaped structure made of hyaline cartilage.