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Some reptiles possess characteristics which may resemble fins, but no, reptiles do not have fins. Fish have fins. An example of a fin-like structures on a reptile would be a dewlap. This is a flap on skin under some lizard's necks used primarily for territorial and mating displays. Although the fins of fish may be used for these purposes to some extent, the primary purpose of fins is moving through water. Another fin-like structure on a reptile would be a frill around the neck. The purpose of a frill is the same as a dewlap.

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Q: Do reptiles have fins on the outside of their body?
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Turtles are water-dwelling reptiles, so they have webbed feet but they do not have fins like a fish or dolphin.

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In amphibians, syngamy occurs in the external medium (water) i.e. outside the body of organism while in reptiles, syngamy occurs inside the body of organism.

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Crocodiles have webs in their feet and have flattened tails to rush them forward. Sea snakes can flatten their body, and move their body like a normal snake. Turtles and terrapins have fins and webbed feet respectively to propel themselves in water.

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Birds don't have fins as fins are for swimming in water. One could argue that they have scales on their feet as the skin there is tough and 'scaly' but there is not an overlapping matrix of scales like their would be in reptiles.

Are angelfish reptiles?

No, they are actually a breed of freshwater fish. Reptiles are known for their scales. Fish are known for fins and breathing underwater. Angelfish are fish!

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Do sting rays have fins?

Technically no, but the sides of their body act like fins.

How many fins does a shark have?

It simply has 4 fins one on the top of his body 2 at the side of its body and 1 at the back of his body

Are reptiles skeleton inside or outside?

Like all vertebrates reptiles have their skeletons on the inside.