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No, chickens normally lay eggs once every 24 hours.. roosters wouldn't encourage the hens to lay more often.

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Q: Do roosters encourage chickens to lay more often?
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What kind of animals can be found in Columbia are like more than others?

Chickens and roosters.

Is it Illegal in Louisiana to own chickens and roosters and why?

No, but it is illegal to own roosters for cockfighting operations. However, it is not illegal to own chickens for food or pet purposes, especially if you live in the country. It might be a different story for more urban areas.

How do you tell a rooster from a hen?

For adult chickens, roosters are generally a bit bigger, and have longer, showier tail feathers. You can also tell by behavior. Roosters will tend to be more commanding, and will usually avoid other roosters if they have enough space and there are enough hens, or else fight with them if the space is too small or there are not enough hens. They can also often be observed jumping on hens' backs to mate.

Do you separate boy chickens?

Yes. As cockerels (As Male Chickens Younger than a year are referred to) grow into Roosters they begin to become sexually mature. Roosters, if not seperated when they are fully grown will begin to fight. The reason the Roosters fight is because they want to become top of the pecking order (you can research this more if you wish) but mainly want to become the leader of the flock so they have all rights to the hens. Any other Male is considered an 'intruder' wanting to battle over the rights of owning the flock. If two Roosters are placed together they will fight and often to the death. This is why you must separate Male Chickens to ensure they don't fight and become aggressive.

Chicken in the store is it hen or rooster?

They are both! Most of the chickens in the super markets are raised especially for meat use and grow so fast (heavy) that they are useless for breeding or pets. They are generally crosses between cornish and rock breeds. The roosters may reach market weight a few weeks sooner then the hens but they will soon follow.

How do tha kill then you got chickens and something has started a killen spree its killed 3 roosters and 4 hens and it leaves them laying after it kills them what else could it be?

It sounds like a dog. Dogs often want to play with chickens or to inquire into what the are, leading to accidental deaths. However more than likely the Dog will have killed the chickens more as a primal instinct than anything else. Another idea may be a cat. . .

Do chickens crow?

No, chickens do not crow.No only Roosters.No, Honey only Roosters crow, you're not the least bit country , are you?Just a Bit More Info...First and foremost, "chickens" is a non-gender word, so chickens do crow. Admittedly it is the roosters, more frequently that crow the well known "Cock-a-doodle-do". However in the absence of a rooster hens can and will crow. There are a number of stories which will corroborate this fact... And if they had never been know to, where did they get the old saying, "a whistling woman and a crowing hen, both will come to some bad end."?

Why do they call the projectile in badminton a shuttlecock?

Shuttlecock is a slightly more outdated term for this object that comes from the original source of the feathers, which used to come from chickens or roosters.

What lives in barn?

Sheeps, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, roosters, turkeys and more.

Why do roosters have a cockscomb?

These organs, both comb and wattle, help to cool the bird by redirecting cooler blood flow to the skin. Chickens do not sweat to cool down and the comb is important to prevent overheating. In males, the combs are often more prominent, and are meant to help attract a hen.

Why do roosters eat hen eggs?

Actually, roosters are usually the only kind of chicken eaten. Hens are kept for egg laying and a few roosters stay on a farm to fertilize the many females. Since few are needed to keep the flock fertile, the roosters not eaten (There are a large excess of them after the eggs hatch) are sold to food processing plants. I hope I have answered your question.

Are roosters kept just for meat?

Not always, but yes, they are often raised for the supper table since more than one rooster in the flock often causes fighting problems. Some farms raise the roosters until they can be sold at auction to other breeders.