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No. Adaptation is shown when differences between individuals may fit them better for their environment and so become more prevalent in the population. Growth of a plant towards a water source is called tropism.

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8y ago

Yes willows are more adapted than many trees with there ability to have roots grow towards the water source. Hydrotropism allows the roots to sense water but probably not as much as people may think. Chemicals called auxins help bend the plant root to grow in the correct direction.

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Q: Do roots of a willow tree show adaptation as they grow toward their water source?
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What do the roots of a willow tree show as the y grow toward a water source?

Mangrove...: )

What determines the direction roots grow?

toward the sun light..................:)

What do roots do to a willow tree?

Keep it alive.

What do roots of a willow tree show as they grow toward the water?

Willow tree roots seek out water and have been known to even come out of the ground and grow into a container above ground that holds water. The process of the root going towards the water is called hydropatterning. Computed Tomography is allowing botanists to study this concept.

What is a common adaptation for roots?

The roots can increase its root ratio when water is limited

Which of the following is not an adaptation that enhances the uptake of water and minerals by roots?

shallow, fibrous roots

How does the Arctic willow adapt to the Arctic?

by growing shallow roots

What are the parts of a willow?

Roots, bark, phloem, cambium, xylem, and leaves.

Where do the roots of a plant grow toward a source of water?

Plant roots generally grow in the soil. In the case of aquatic plants, they are already in the water and do not need to grow toward it.

What are good trees for panting around septic tanks?

arborvitae, they draw water towards themselves instead of sending roots toward the water source

What are parts of a willow tree?

Roots, bark, phloem, cambium, xylem, and leaves.

What is willow?

A willow is a type of tree. If planting a willow near a home, extreme caution must be taken as these trees require a lot of water and their roots have been known to bust through pipes.