

Do rottweilers kill children

Updated: 12/13/2022
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14y ago

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although they are not as aggresive as other dogs, rottweilers kill everyone.

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Can rottweilers kill a lab?

Yes, sadly rottweilers are more powerfull then labs and would probably kill in a fight

Can rottweilers kill somebody?

Absolutely. They have killed people. Sometimes its rabies though.

When were Rottweilers first domesticated?

Rottweilers were generally bred to herd sheep and livestock and also for protection. In the roman times, Romans breed rottweilers in order for them kill their enemy and that is why they are manstoppers, since the strenght and built of rottweiler will knock you to the ground as what the Germans used them for in world war 2.

Who would win a fight a jaguar or 5 rottweilers?

Definitely the 5 rottweilers. A jaguar has no contest against these fierce dogs, especially when the dogs come together to attack, and the dogs would kill the jaguar as they would do it to a prey.

Are rottweilers bread to kill lions?

The dogs were known as "Rottweil butchers' dogs" because they were used to herd livestock and pull carts laden with butchered meat and other products to market. So basically no , they were't bred to kill lions. For mre info on rottweilers go to:

Are Rottweilers feet webbed?

Rottweilers feet are not webbed.

What do rottweilers like to do?

rottweilers eat dog food duhhh

Why do pittbulls or rottweilers kill?

Every Pit bull and Rottweiler are different so the one that attack were either provoked to hurt someone or trained.

Are rottweilers protected?

No, Rottweilers are a common breed throughout the UK and America.

What was life like before Rottweilers?

Rottweilers have made no significant difference to society.

Can you get Rottweilers in India?

Yes, there are some very good breeders of Rottweilers in India. Type Rottweilers in India, into your search engine and you will find a list of breeders.

Could pitbulls kill rottweilers?

any dog is capable of killing any other dog, depending on age, health, and how the owners raised the dog