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A small sac called a basidium

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Q: Do sac fungi produce spores inside a small sac?
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Does a sac fungus produce spores inside a small sac?


Why do fungi produce so many spores?

The advantage of the large numbers of spores produced by fungi is that more of the fungi will have a chance to be reproduced. The spores from most fungi need moisture and darkness to reproduce. Spores can also be transplanted through the air and be deposited in places that are not suitable for reproduction, such as a place that is too dry. This will greatly reduce the fungi's chance for survival.

Why are fungi so small?

Fungi are very small for a few different reasons. These fungi must be able to move around and form in groups and the small size facilitates this.

What does all fungi produce?

Short Answer:Not all forms of fungi either are mushrooms or produce what we call mushrooms.Mushrooms and toadstools are examples of fungi. The most familiar mushrooms are from club fungi.More:The group of organisms we call fungi, includes yeasts and molds as well as mushrooms.When most people see a sporocarp they call this a mushroom or toadstool. This fleshy fruiting body is only the visible part of the living organism that is popular for eating. The fruiting body only develops as part of the asexual phase of the fungal life cycle for spore production.

Group of small plants that make spores?

I'm pretty sure a spore is seedless.

What is mold or fungi?

Mold or Fungi are small organisms. They don't have the ability to produce their own food. But they can reproduce.

How do oyster mushrooms reproduce?

They oyster has a small organ inside of its inner body that creates its own egg with out breeding

What is the function of spores in ferns?

These are it's seeds that produce new small plantlets.

What is the function of fungal spores?

Spores are the reproductive cells for fungi and ferns. They are small and light weight so that they can easily be carried by the wind.In, a spore is a reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable conditions. A chief difference between spores and seeds as is that spores have very little stored food resources compared with seeds.

What is the difference between megasporangia and microsporangia?

feature mega micro size large small produce megaspore, microspores female gametophyte male gametophyte spores 4 megaspores numerous microspores

How Can Fungi Cause Respiratory Tract Infections?

Fungi can cause respiratory tract infection when inhaled. The spores finds its way in a warm-moist environment, starts to grows, and later blocks small airways.

What is the purpose of a spore?

Its the reproductive part of a fungi or a pteridophyta, fern. Might also be the reproductive part of other primitive plants, perhaps hornworts, liverworts, or horsetails also produce spores, I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that ferns do it, as well as all fungi. A spore is like a very small seed, produced in much greater quantity, without the resilliency that seeds have (no seed coat or extra nutrients for the growing organism).