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Most do not I know from experience. Some can even do harm. (clinical trials have shown applying vitamin e on scars can worsen them in some cases)

I have tried many products myself and silicone scar sheets did improve my scars. My hypertrophic scars got less red, more skin-like color, flat instead of raised and much softer.

Apart from using silicone sheets I know gently massaging the scar and keeping it hydrated are also important in order to realize an optimal scar appearance.

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Q: Do scar removal or scar minimization products work?
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Scar Treatment: Make Those Scars Fade?

Whenever someone has surgery, there is usually a scar. Sometimes that scar is in a place that can be very noticeable by others. That’s when there may be a need for professional scar treatment to diminish the look of the scar. First of all, there are many over-the-counter products found at the local drug store that can be purchased to hide a scar. There are silicone scar treatment sheets that are reusable. They come in a box all one size and can be cut to fit the size of the scar. If the scar is a large one, the sheets can be worn side by side to cover the whole area. There are gel scar treatments. These come in a tube and are found to be non-toxic, non-staining, and non-irritating. Those that contain silicone are the best choices. This will gradually hide the scar as the gel is used daily. Another kind of easy-to-use scar treatment is a silicone scar stick. The use of silicone technology is used to diminish discolored or raised scars and a scar stick is a very easy type of scar treatment. The scar stick will soften the area and reduce the appearance of the scar. Some of them can actually treat scars that are many years old. Another skin care product that is a good scar treatment is a Bio-Oil product. This will also diminish the appearance of the scar and soften the area. This treatment also works on dry skin and stretch marks. A cream scar treatment that has spf 30 right in it is another good treatment. This is a safe and gentle way to eliminate the unsightly look of a scar. A strong scar treatment cream is one that contains a lipid-peptide compound. This is a product that is recommended by many plastic surgeons. However, the cream may contain a fragrance that will not agree with some people. Otherwise it is a wonderful scar treatment solution. For extreme scars when these products do not work, there is also the option of getting laser scar treatment. However, everyone is not a candidate for this type of treatment. A plastic surgeon and your own physician can determine if it would be safe for you to receive this laser treatment.

What are some recommended methods for acne removal?

Recommended acne treatments include a skin care regime with products that contain ingredients that can dry out acne such as ProActiv. If over the counter products do not work, it is recommended to see a dermatologist who can provide additional treatments, more powerful products and even medications.

Why is glycolic acid a common ingredient in acne removal products?

Glycolic acid is a similar compound to salicylic acid, which is another common ingredient in acne removal products. These ingredients work as cleansers, helping the skin break down dead cells and removing dirt and debris so that the dirt and oils don't build up in the pores, which is the cause of acne.

What is the best hair removal product recommended by a dermatologist?

Depends on your skin type and how your skin may react to the cream. Based on my experienced Nad's Moisturising Hair Removal Crème is the best so far. Aside from removing my unwanted hair it also moisturize my skin.