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I don't know that scientists have proof of it, but some Vodouisants do. However Vodou Zombies and movie/medical/government zombies are two very different creatures.

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Q: Do scientist have proof that there are zombies in haiti?
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Related questions

Are there zombies in Haiti?


Where are real zombies located?

Real "zombies" may be found in Haiti.

Will there ever be zombies walking the earth?

Reported cases of "zombies" have come out of Haiti. Reanimated corpses of the dead, however, are a thing of myth.

What country originate came the zombies?

Voodoo, perhaps Haiti or West Africa.

Are there really zombies in Haiti?

At times, in the Voudu faith it is believed so. Yes.

Do zombies work the fields in Haiti at night?

People after zombification are worthless to do any kiind of job. The fields of haiti are mostly worked by child slavery.

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What countries have earthquake proof buildings?

japan, and haiti nowadays.

Does the scientist have a proof that GOD EXIST?


Are people making it up that zombies are real?

yes, if there were zombies, then why haven't we seen onne yet. no eye witnesses, no proof.

Okay so i typed up are zombies real and they said yes 5 reasons their can be a zombie Apocalypse and also said something to do with Haiti's i'm really scared please explain if their isn't?

zombies in Haiti are people who are mind controlled to serve them. but there will be no zombie apocalypse.

What do scientist think about zombies?

Most scientists don't think about zombies. The few that bother quickly conclude it's all fictional nonsense.