

Do scientists know why fish sleep with their eyes open?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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fish dont have eyelids

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Q: Do scientists know why fish sleep with their eyes open?
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What animals sleep with their eyes open?

The animals that sleep with their eyes open are Snakes, Fish, Insects and Guinea pigs there are many more as well.

How do scientists know that fish existed before amphibians?

Scientists know that fish existed before amphibians because fish were found in a lower layer of rock.

How do tell the difference between a dead fish or a sleeping fish?

fish dont actually sleep; they have no eyelids. scientists dont know for sure but they think that they go into a state of rest. It can be hard to tell if a fish is sleeping; they might float motionless, float on bottom of tank or hide in tank decor.

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they know every thing about a koalas where they sleep eat live and they know how they eat and what they eat.

How do you know when someones in an rem sleep?

You will know when someone is in REM sleep when there eyes-lids are moving really fast back and forward. REM sleep is a sleep that is after your first 4 stages of sleep and is the stage of sleep that you dream.

How do you know when a fish is asleep in the aquarium?

The really hard question is: "How do you know when they are sleep-swimming?"

What do Barreleye fish eat?

Scientists don't know fully what barreleye fish eat, but they believe it's jellyfish

Why is the jellyfish named fish even when they aren't fish?

because scientists did not know before and they thought that they were fish so they decided to call it like that.

Does guinea pigs have eyelids?

Ya,They do sleep with their eyes closed, dontcha know?

Can sleep cure crows feet and baggy eyes?

I don't know what crows feet is lol!! but i do know that sleep wont make baggy eyes go away completley but it makes you feel better and it will definitley help.

Do fish take naps?

i don't actually know how long they sleep but i do know that sometimes they sleep in the day. Right now mine is in a little area by my castle that i have in the tank. I don't think he's dead because he would be floating to the top. It is just weird though because the other ones are moving around frantically.

How do you know when turtles are sleep?

they have their eyes closed and you have to like tap the tank to wake the turtle