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Q: Do sentences in English always have a subject What is the only exception to this rule?
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What is the subject in the sentence turn the knob clockwise?

In imperative sentences the subject is always the understood "you."

Do sentences in English always have a verb?

No. < That was a sentence without a verb.

Do sentences in English always have a subject?

Yes. All sentences in English have a subject, although in some cases the subject is implied/understood. Examples- declarative: "You kiss boys." interrogative: "You kiss boys?" or "Do you kiss boys?" exclamatory: "You kiss boys!" command: "Kiss boys." In all of these, the subject is 'you'; 'kiss' is the verb and 'boys' is a direct object ('do' is a helping verb, so when used, it is part of the verb form). Even though there is no 'you' in the command sentence, it is understood that the subject is the person to whom the sentence is spoken, which is... you.

How can you use several sentences in adversity?

Sentences are always adverse. How'd you like to go to jail? Sentences are always adverse. How'd you like to go to jail?

Can you use AND after a full stop in English?

Yes. Some people say that because a sentence is a full thought, it cannot begin with a conjunction. But these people are ignoring the fact that sentences do not exist in a vacuum, that is, they exist inside a context and link to each other. Good English prose has always allowed sentences to begin with conjunctions when they are connecting with other sentences.

When writing sentences the main verbs and pronouns must always agree in number with what part of the sentence?

The subject must agree in number with the verb.

All sentences in English begin with a capital letter and end with a period?

All sentences in English begin with a capital letter but don't necessarily end in period always. They could end also in question mark and exclamation point.Examples:There is a fire downtown.Is there a fire downtown?Fire! Fire!

Is an equation always open sentences?


What is alliterative sentences?

Always Answer Accurately. Sentences with words that all begin with the same letter.

How come Receive is not spelled right if a c you spy put the e before the i?

The English language is very confusing, and no rule is 100% effective. There is always an exception.

Should verb tense shifts always occur in sentences?

No not always.

Is to always a preposition?

Yes. It explicitly states a relationship between two things (usually places, but not always so). The only exception is when it is used as a noun, i.e. "the word 'to' is a preposition", but there it is the subject of the sentence, and thus a noun.