

Do sharks have paired pelvic fins?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do sharks have paired pelvic fins?
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Related questions

What are the paired fins on a fish?

The ones in pairs are: pelvic fins and pectoral fins.

What are paired fins in fishes?

There are two sets of "paired" fins. The ones on each side of the fish behind the gills are the "Pectoral Fins" and the ones in front of the fishes vent on the underside of the fish are the "Ventral Fins". Sometimes these fins are wrongly refered to as "Pelvic Fins".

What are a fish's limbs?

The paired fins (pectoral and pelvic) are the nearest things fish have to limbs.

Do sharks have paired fins?

Some do, some don't. Most of the time they do. $

Does a wobbegong have fins?

Yes. Wobbegongs are sharks, and need to be able to move freely in the water, so they do have fins. They have short caudal fins and much broader pectoral and pelvic fins.

What is Fin Fold Theory?

It is the theory that paired fins arose in jawed fishes from the evolution of ventrolateral skin folds in jawless, basal fishes. The folds then separated and specialized to form the paired pectoral and pelvic fins in more evolved fishes.

What paired fins on a goldfish act as stabilisers?

There are many fins on a goldfish that act in stabilization. The two major ones are the pelvic and pectorals. The anal fins also help in stabilization but they don't play as large of a role in it.

What is the paired fins on the underside of the fish?

They are on the Ventral side, but you probably mean the Pelvic fins and possibly anal fin, depending on the fish species These links provided below may help you :)

How do you know what is a male great white?

Male sharks have reproductive organs called "claspers", which are attached to the pelvic fins.

What are the pectoral and pelvic fins used for?

Pectoral fins are used for steering and maintaining balance, while pelvic fins help stabilize the fish's body and assist in maneuvering. Both fins also play a role in braking and hovering in water.

Which fins together form the paired fins?

dorsal fins

What are the paired appendages of a fish?
