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Q: Do shell petrol station extract their own oil?
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How do you start shell gas station?

Opening your own Shell gas station requires contacting SHELL oil and asking for a open dealership/location.

What type of oil shell I use in Honda Accord 2.0 petrol vtec se year 2000 Also as I dont' know what oil is there at the moment shell I do an engine clean before oil change?

Use the oil at the gas station. answered by a twelve year old. Alisha Answered by a 12 year old and it seems the question was written by a 5 year old.

Where does Canada import petrol from?

Alberta ... oil sands ... not the cleanest oil around, but abundant. Or your local GAS station.

Where does gasoline come from?

It's refined from crude oil, which comes from the ground.Petrol comes from cruide oil befor the petrol station and is washed up onto shore bed. Petrol comes from cruide oil befor the petrol station and is washed up onto shore bed.It is refined from crude oil.It comes from cruide oil by means of separation.Petrol is a fossil fuel, its basically animals/plants that have been dead for a very long time...

How is oil related to petrol?

Oil is petrol

Can petrol and oil mix?

Petrol and oil will mix, with the petrol acting as a solvent.

Are petrol and oil the same?

Petrol is processed oil.

Is petrol from the earth?

Petrol is crude oil that has been purified on earth. It gets purified through processes such as fractional distilation. This is what goes in your car. Crude oil came from when most of the earth had forest and when organisms died they got compacted in a way that made them produce oil over a extremly long period of time. So in a nut shell petrol is from earth.

What is the petrol oil mix on Yamaha superjet?

50 parts petrol to 1 part oil... 20 litres of petrol to 500ml of oil

Where can one get the current prices for petrol and oil?

If one wants to know the current petrol and oil prices one can pass by a local gas station or view them online. Online there are different sites that provide these prices, for instance oil-price or the official state site eia (Energy Information Administation

Why conservation of petrol is important?

Petrol is derived from oil. Oil is formed over millions of years in the earth. Currently we as a world are using oil faster than the natural process is making it. Because of this oil is becoming more and more difficult to find, costs are soaring and this in turn is making oil in may situations more valuable than gold. If we run out of oil, petrol and many ofther products made from the oil will cease. Companies like Shell and BP are desperate to make bio fuels.

Is peppermint oil and peppermint extract the same?

Yes you can its 1/4 a tsp of oil for 1 tsp of extract