

Do sieve tube have chloroplast

Updated: 11/20/2022
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Q: Do sieve tube have chloroplast
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How is sieve tube different from companion cells?

The sieve tube elements are specialized elongated cells in the phloem that connect end to end forming a tube. The main function of this tube is to transport nutrition in the form of carbohydrates. Sieve cells have no nucleus, ribosomes and cytoplasm, meanin they cannot carry out primary metabolic activities. The companion cells, which are closely associated with the sieve tube elements, carry out the their metabolic functions.

What is living but non-nucleated a sieve tube bcompanion cell cphloem fiber dphloem parenchyma?

sieve tube.

What are sieve-tube cells?

In plant anatomy, sieve tube elements, are a specialized type of elongated cell in the phloem tissue of flowering plants. The ends of these cells connect with other sieve tube members, making up the sieve tube, whose main function is transport of carbohydrates in the plant.

What are sieve cells?

In plant anatomy, sieve tube elements, are a specialized type of elongated cell in the phloem tissue of flowering plants. The ends of these cells connect with other sieve tube members, making up the sieve tube, whose main function is transport of carbohydrates in the plant.

Where is the sieve tube located?

Sieve tubes are located in the phloem tissue of vascular plants.

The cells that function with the sieve tubes are the?

Cells containing sieve plates are called sieve tube members, a component of the phloem, which carries sugars produced in the leaves to various parts of the plant. They are characteristic of angiosperms (flowering plants) while gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants) have only sieve cells. Sieve cells and sieve tube members are collectively referred to as sieve elements.

In the phloem translocation can proceed? both directions simultaneously in each sieve tube both directions simultaneously in each sieve tube all of the time.C.never in both directions simultaneously in each sieve tube.D.some sieve tube translocate in one direction while others translocate in another directionE.c and d is correct

Why sieve tube elements have no nuclei inside it?

In spite of the fact that their cytoplasm is actively involved in the conduction of food materials, sieve-tube members do not have nuclei at maturity.

A tube formed by the inward extension of the cell membrane is called a?

Sieve tube

What is the conducting cell in phloem tissue?

Sieve tube cells

What are the sugar-transporting cells in angiosperms?

sieve-tube elements

How do sugars move from one sieve-tube cell to the next?

by flowing along with water through perforations in the sieve plate