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when you put vinger in skittle it will sink but if you put sour skittles in it will sizzle up

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11y ago

in both all candy melt in water and vinegar can dissolve a eggs shell so it can diccolve a skittles

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Q: Do skittles dissolve in saltwater or vinegar?
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How many minutes does it take vinegar to dissolve skittles?

I cannot imagine having any interest in this question without having both vinegar and Skittles, so try it and see.In general, the time it takes something to dissolve depends on the temperature and whether you agitate (stir) it or not, so there really isn't a single simple answer to your question.

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There are a number of reasons why a pill will dissolve in vinegar. Vinegar is an acid that dissolves many things.

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Do skittles dissolve faster in salt water or vinegar or water?

Yes, it dissolves but i dont know how. Yes, it dissolves but i dont know how.

Does vinegar dissolve in oil?

No. Oil does not dissolve in vinegar just as in water. It is lighter so it forms a layer over vinegar

Will a skittle melt faster in room tempatured water or vinegar?

I believe the vinegar make the skittles color disappear into the vinegar.

Which dissolves Skittles faster water or vinegar?

Skittles melt faster in vinegar because the vinegar is more tangy and it takes the wax of the s on the skittles off very fast. Water would be second and hand sanitizer is third because its a gel and it holds the color in.

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Which diamond dissolve in vinegar?

Diamond will not dissolved in vinegar , because it is hardest stone ,sometimes it will chip break.

Why does a skittle dissolve in water?

skittles has some artificial color on their outer shell, so it will dissolve in a any liquid